Wednesday 19 January 2011


Stop Motion Animation was the project which I enjoyed the most. The best part of the project for me was creating the designs and seeing them come to life. I have acquired many skills such as researching and designing skills, these skills are important as they help you to visualise what the finish product will look like and researching skills will allow you to also evaluate the success of the product.

Another project was Digital Graphics which involved designing and creating a poster and website design to advertise a funfair. This project involved group work and independent work. The best part of this project for me was group work and creating the product. The main skill which I acquired the most from this project is software skill in Adobe Photoshop.

Multimedia is another project which I enjoyed doing, it involves researching, designing and creating a product to meet the clients brief successfully. The main skill I have acquired from this is software skill in Macromedia Director; this project has also helped me to develop my research and design skills.

Understanding the Interactive Media Industries was about creating a DVD cover, the best part of this project was the designing and creating stage as it allowed me to express my creativeness into the project. This project has helped me to develop my skill in Adobe Photoshop as well as design skills.

I’m a confident and outgoing person who relates well to other people. I am industrious in my studies and learn easily and know that my deep interest and desire to succeed in my chosen career will be reflected in my work attitudes and enthusiasm for any task presented to me. My interest in animation came about during college and it would be a pleasure to study Illustration with Animation more at a degree level.

Understanding The Interactive Media Industries

For this project I had to create a DVD cover for a film of my choice, I decided to do a cover for 'Alice in Wonderland'. At the time the DVD cover for that film was not out yet which I thought was an advantage as it allows me to express my imagination and also use my own initiatives to come up with an original design.


This is a multimedia project which I had to undertake in E-media. I had to design and create a CD product for a target audience age 16 - 30 years old. The project was about '30 Things To Do Before You're 30'. For this project I had to list down 30 activites which would then later be made into links, to create the links I had to add codings. The best part of this project for me was designing the product because it allows me to visualise exactly how the product would be successful.

Digital Graphics

This is another project I had to undertake in E-media, this project involved group work as well as independent work. I had to design and create a poster and a website for a fun fair. The group work involved brainstorming ideas and the individual work involved designing and creating the product.

Stop Motion Animation - Characters Design

This is also part of the design stage, I had to measure and draw out the characters to a suitable size so that they fit the stage when creating the animation. There are three characters altogether in my animation.

Stop Motion Animation - Design

This is a storyboard of the animation, this is part of the design stage. I had to firstly draft out and plan exactly how the animation was to go about, each frame were seperated into scenes.

Stop Motion Animation - Finished

This was one of the projects I had to undertake in E-media, I had to design and create my own animation for a target audience of age 5. We were given a choice between Flash Animation or Stop Motion Animation, I decided on Stop Motion Animation, my animation was called 'The Adventures of The Wishing Star'.The best part of this project for me was creating the characters and props for the animation because it allows me to express my creative side. This project has taught me how to think creatively and also use my initiatives and follow the plan in order to meet the deadline.